Terms and Conditions
Limitation of Liability:
Simonanda Sound Healing is a wellness company. Therefore, always follow the instructions of your medical practitioner first and consult with him/her in terms of questions.
Simonanda Sound Healing and its Affiliates providers shall not be liable to you or any third parties for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages allegedly sustained arising out of this agreement, the providing of services hereunder, the sale or purchase of any goods or merchandise from the service, your use of or reliance on the service or any of the merchandise, information or materials available on the service, regardless of the type of claim or the nature of the cause of action, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
You as a client, student, participant or buyer hereby agree to release Simonanda Sound Healing and its affiliates from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed (“claims”), arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this service.
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:
The placing of a Booking denotes the knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions
The General Terms and Conditions of the online store Simonanda.com are composed in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), based on the recommendations of the GZS and international codes for e-commerce.
Company Information:
Simonanda, Simone Juchert s.p.
Pot za Stan 46, Dragomer, 1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani
Tax Number: 22222227
VAT Registered: NO
IBAN SI56 0316 0100 1510 617 (held at SKB d.d.)
Email: info@simonanda.com
+386 64 135 959
The online store Simonanda.com (hereinafter referred to as "Simonanda.com" or "online store") is operated by the company Simonanda, Simone Juchert s.p. (hereinafter referred to as "company" or "provider").
The online store Simonanda.com and all the information on it, including product images, graphics, and video elements on the website, are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced or used without prior written permission. The trademark Simonanda Sound Healing Therapy and the logo are the property of the company Sound Healing Therapy, Simone Juchert s.p.
These General Terms and Conditions define the operation of Simonanda.com, the rights and obligations of visitors, users, and customers, and the business relationship between the provider and the user as a customer of products offered by the online store.
Limitation of Liability:
Simonanda Sound Healing is a wellness company. Therefore, always follow the instructions of your medical practitioner first and consult with him/her in terms of questions.
Simonanda Sound Healing and its Affiliates providers shall not be liable to you or any third parties for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages allegedly sustained arising out of this agreement, the providing of services hereunder, the sale or purchase of any goods or merchandise from the service, your use of or reliance on the service or any of the merchandise, information or materials available on the service, regardless of the type of claim or the nature of the cause of action, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
You as a client, student, participant or buyer hereby agree to release Simonanda Sound Healing and its affiliates from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed (“claims”), arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this service.
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:
The placing of a Booking denotes the knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Accessibility of Information
The provider undertakes to always provide the user with:
Information about the provider's identity (in particular, the company name and registered office, as well as the registration number of the company);
Contact details that enable the user to communicate quickly and effectively with the provider (email address, phone number, etc.);
Information about the essential characteristics of the products or services offered in the online store, including after-sales services and warranties;
Information about the availability of products or services from the online store;
The method and conditions of product delivery or service execution, especially the location and delivery time;
Information about the payment method;
Data on the validity period of the offer from the online store;
Information about the deadline for withdrawing from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal;
Information about the possibility of product returns and the cost, if any, incurred by the user;
Information about the user complaint procedure and contact details for the provider.
Payment Methods
The provider offers the following payment methods:
Payment by proforma invoice (by bank transfer to the account of the website administrator Simonanda.com).
Payment by credit cards.
Note: These terms and shipping costs apply only to Slovenia. For deliveries to other countries, delivery costs are charged according to the courier company's price list. The customer is also responsible for any duties and taxes in countries outside Slovenia.
Prices are valid at the time of placing an order and do not have a predetermined validity period. All prices are expressed in EUR. All special offers on the website are valid until the specified date or while stocks last. Promotions and special offers are mutually exclusive unless stated otherwise. The seller reserves the right to change prices without prior notice.
In the case of product personalization, returns are not possible. The customer can request a change of color for closures, beads, or crystals that the provider has available. After confirming the preview, exchange or complaint, and therefore, a refund is no longer possible. As dictated by the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot, Article 43): "The consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract concluded under this Article: for goods made to the consumer's exact instructions and adapted to their personal needs."
In case of a complaint, please contact our email address: info@simonanda.com.
Order Confirmation
All products on the website are up-to-date and available for ordering. After placing an order on the Simonanda.com website and confirmation of the order by the provider, the final product will be sent to the customer.
We ship all orders through Pošta Slovenije (Post of Slovenia). The delivery time for personalized products is up to 5 working days from the date of order placement. Most packages are delivered on the next working day from the shipping date. The provider reserves the right to choose another delivery service if it can fulfill the order more efficiently. Prices for package shipping are published on the Post of Slovenia website: https://www.posta.si/ceniki
The provider complies with applicable consumer protection laws. The provider strives to establish an effective system for handling complaints and to designate a person with whom the customer can contact by phone or email in case of problems. In case of difficulties, the customer can seek help at +386 64 135 959. Complaints can be submitted via email to info@simonanda.com. The complaint handling process is confidential.
The provider will confirm the receipt of the complaint within 5 working days, inform the customer about the expected duration of the complaint handling, and keep the customer informed about the progress of the process. The provider will make every effort to resolve any disputes amicably. If an amicable resolution of the dispute is not reached, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes between the provider and the customer is the competent court in Ljubljana. The provider and the customer, as participants in electronic commerce, mutually acknowledge the validity of electronic communications in court.
These General Terms and Conditions were accepted by the owner of the online store Simonanda.com in Ljubljana on October 1, 2023.
We wish you a pleasant shopping experience in the online store Simonanda.com.
Splošni pogoji poslovanja
Splošni pogoji spletne trgovine SImonanda.com so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot), na podlagi priporočil GZS in mednarodnih kodeksov za e-poslovanje.
Podatki o podjetju:
Simonanda, Simone Juchert s.p.
Pot za Stan 46, Dragomer, 1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani
Davčna št.: 22222227
Davčni zavezanec: NE
IBAN SI56 0316 0100 1510 617 (odprt pri SKB d.d.)
e-mail: info@simonanda.com
+386 64 135 959
S spletno trgovino Simonanda.com (v nadaljevanju »SImonanda.com« ali »spletna trgovina«) upravlja podjetje Sound Healing Therapy, Simone Juchert s.p. (v nadaljevanju »podjetje« ali »ponudnik«).
Spletna trgovina SImonanda.com in vsi podatki na njej, slike artiklov, grafični in video elementi na spletni strani so zaščiteni z Zakonom o avtorskih pravicah in jih ni dovoljeno reproducirati ali uporabljati brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja. Znamka SImonanda Sound Healing Therapy in logotip sta v lasti podjetja Sound Healing Therapy, Simone Juchert s.p..
S temi Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja se opredeljuje delovanje Simonanda.com, pravice in dolžnosti obiskovalca, uporabnika in kupca ter poslovno razmerje med ponudnikom in uporabnikom kot kupcem izdelkov iz ponudbe spletne trgovine.
Dostopnost informacij
Ponudnik se zavezuje, da bodo uporabniku vselej na voljo:
podatki o identiteti ponudnika (predvsem firma in sedež družbe ter številka registra, kjer je družba vpisana);
kontaktni podatki, ki uporabniku omogočajo hitro in učinkovito komunikacijo s ponudnikom (naslov elektronske pošte, telefon ipd.);
informacije o bistvenih značilnostih izdelkov oz. storitev iz ponudbe spletne trgovine, vključno s poprodajnimi storitvami in garancijami;
informacije o dostopnosti izdelkov oz. storitev iz ponudbe spletne trgovine;
način in pogoji dostave izdelkov oz. izvršitve storitev, predvsem kraj in rok dostave;
informacije o načinu plačila;
podatki o časovni veljavnosti ponudbe iz spletne trgovine;
informacije o roku, v katerem je še možno odstopiti od pogodbe in pogojih za odstop;
informacije o možnosti vračila izdelkov in o tem, če in koliko takšno vračilo stane uporabnika;
informacije o postopku s pritožbo uporabnika ter podatki o kontaktni osebi ponudnika za stike z uporabniki.
Načini plačila
Ponudnik omogoča naslednje načine plačila:
Po predračunu (z nakazilom na račun upravitelja spletne strani Simonanda.com).
Plačilo s plačilnimi karticami.
Opozorilo: ti pogoji ter stroški pakiranja in dostave veljajo samo za Slovenijo. Za morebitno dostavo v druge države se zaračunajo stroški dostave po ceniku dostavnega podjetja. Prav tako kupec nosi morebitne stroške dajatev v državah izven Slovenije.
Cene veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila in nimajo vnaprej določene veljavnosti. Vse cene so izražene v EUR. Vse posebne ponudbe na spletni strani veljajo do navedenega datuma oziroma do razprodaje zalog. Akcije in posebne ponudbe se izključujejo, razen če je navedeno drugače. Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico do spremembe cen brez predhodnega obvestila.
V primeru personalizacije izdelka, vračilo le tega ni možno. Stranka lahko vpraša za zamenjavo barve zaključkov, perl, kristalov na te kateri ima ponudnik na voljo. Po potrditvi predogleda menjava ali reklamacija in s tem vračilo denarja ni več možno. Kot tudi narekuje zakon o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot, 43. člen): “Potrošnik nima pravice do odstopa od pogodbe iz prvega odstavka tega člena pri teh pogodbah: o blagu, ki je izdelano po natančnih navodilih potrošnika in prilagojeno njegovim osebnim potrebam.”
V primeru reklamacije, se obrnite na naš elektronski naslov: info@simonanda.com
Potrditev naročila
Vsi izdelki na spletni strani so aktualni in dostopni k naročanju. Po oddanem naročilu na spletni strani Simonanda.com in potrditvi naročila iz strani ponudnika, bo končen izdelek poslan stranki.
Vse naročila pošiljamo cez Pošto Slovenije. Dostavni čas za personalizirane izdelke je največ 5 delovnih dni od dneva oddaje naročila. Večina paketov je dostavljena naslednji delovni dan od datuma pošiljanja. Ponudnik si pridržuje pravico izbrati drugo dostavno službo, če bo s tem lahko naročilo izpolnil učinkoviteje. Cene za pošilanje paketov so objavljeni na spletni strano Pošte Slovenije: https://www.posta.si/ceniki
Pritožbe in spori
Ponudnik spoštuje veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov. Ponudnik se po vseh močeh trudi izpolnjevati svojo dolžnost vzpostaviti učinkovit sistem obravnavanja pritožb in določiti osebo, s katero se lahko kupec v primeru težav poveže telefonsko ali po elektronski pošti. V primeru težav se lahko kupec po pomoč obrne na tel. št.+386 64 135 959. Pritožba se odda preko elektronskega naslova info@simonanda.com. Postopek obravnave pritožbe je zaupen.
Ponudnik bo v 5 delovnih dneh potrdil, da je prejel pritožbo, sporočil kupcu, kako dolgo jo bo obravnaval in ga vseskozi obveščal o poteku postopka. Ponudnik si bo prizadeval po svojih najboljših močeh morebitne spore rešiti sporazumno. Če sporazumna rešitev spora ne bo dosežena, je za reševanje vseh sporov med ponudnikom in kupcem izključno krajevno pristojno stvarno pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani. Ponudnik in kupec kot udeleženca v elektronskem poslovanju medsebojno priznavata veljavnost elektronskih sporočil na sodišču.
Splošne pogoje poslovanja je sprejela lastnica spletne trgovine Simonanda.com v Ljubljani, dne 1.10.2023.
Želimo vam prijetno nakupovanje v spletni trgovini Simonanda.com