ned., 07. apr.
|Višja Vibracija
! New Venue ! Višja Vibracija

Time & Location
07. apr. 2024, 15:00 – 16:30
Višja Vibracija, C. Andreja Bitenca 68, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
About the event
Join us for a special time-out journey...
When the ancient sounds of Gongs, Tibetan Bowls & further vibrational instruments intertwined with Simonanda's alchemical alto voice wash over, through and around you, the entire being that you are will be immersed in the magnitude of vibrational waves. Setting your focus to surendering to these sound waves by an open mind & heart also opens the doors to a possible mystical experience. Best way - Do not expect anything but be open to it…
These vibrationally felt sound waves will guide you into an expanding meditative state that allows and facilitates release of any blockages and positive transformation of your subconscious that you are ready for. This way a deep cleansing in all layers of your aura - in your physical body, vital, emotional, astral, etheric, mental and spiritual one will take place. There is nothing in your control, and a rather full surrender to the subtle sound waves will support your transformation, healing and alignment to your Higher Self, your I Am Presence, and to your soul.
The prana that flows through your bodies will be enhanced and increased. It is the vital life energy that is also called your inner chi or mana.
“The Gong is the sound of Creativity itself. One who plays the Gong plays the Universe. Out of it came all music, all sounds, and all words. The sound of the Gong is the nucleus of the Word.” – Yogi Bhajan
Learn more about Simonanda, click here
Bring along:
your own cushion & blanket, (yoga mat if you prefer your own one)
eye mask or a small towel to cover your eyes,
bottle of water that will be energized by the healing sounds